Bramadat, Paul (2021). Interviewed for “Episode 4.3: Going Viral (Part 3),” by Michel Gagné, Paranoid Planet Podcast, December 2.
Beaman, Lori G., Joel Thiessen, and Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme (2021) Interviewed for “Stats on religion in Canada not surprising for scholars,” by John Longhurst, Winnipeg Free Press, November 13.
Mckillop, Hannah (2021). “Secularism and Islamophobia: On the Strategic Use of ‘Neutrality’ in the Canadian Public Sphere,” Nonreligion and Secularity Research Network Blog, August 29.
Manfrinato, Helena (2021). Interviewed for “No caso do Afeganistão, sobram impressões e falta reflexão,” TAB UOL, August 24.
Cragun, Ryan T. (2021). Interviewed for “Ask an Atheist: #TaxtheChurches,” by Annie Laurie Gaylor and Ryan Jayne, Freedom from Religion Foundation, August 18.
Cragun, Ryan T. (2021). “Amid Calls to #TaxTheChurches – What and How Much Do US Religious Organizations Not Pay the Taxman?,” The Conversation, August 12.
Sheikh, Aniqa (2021). “September 2021: Muslim Death Rituals and COVID-19,” EUREL: Sociological and Legal Data on Religions in Europe and Beyond.
Beaman, Lori G. (2021). “The Problem with Canada’s Delusions of Inclusivity and Multiculturalism,” Open Democracy, June 25.
Beaman, Lori G., Paul Bramadat, Joel Thiessen, Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme, and Brian Clarke (2021). Interviewed for “Common Themes Emerge on Pandemic’s Impact on Religion,” by John Longhurst, Winnipeg Free Press, May 15.
Lefebvre, Solange (2021). Interviewed for “Season 1, Episode 14 of Code Québec: Religion et travaillants,” by Dave Ouellet, Télé-Québec, April 9.
Lefebvre, Solange (2021). Interviewed for “L’expérience religieuse au temps des memes et des réseaux sociaux,” by Benoît Lelièvre, Urbania, April 1.
Montero, Paula (2021). Interviewed for “Um Novo Templo Toda Semana,” by Fernanda Nunes, Revista Piaui, March 16.
Woodhead, Linda (2021). “Contradictions in Christ (Letter),” Prospect, April.
Bramadat, Paul, Benjamin Berger, and Noni MacDonald (2021). “COVID-19 Vaccine: Religion, Trust, and Vaccine Acceptance,” Royal Society of Canada, February 5.