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Ezzy, Douglas, Gary Bouma, Greg Barton, Anna Halafoff, Rebecca Banham, Robert Jackson, and Lori G. Beaman (2020). “Religious Diversity in Australia: Rethinking Social Cohesion”, in special issue: “Religion in Australian Public Life: Resurgence, Insurgence, Cooption?,” edited by Marion Maddox, Religions 11, no. 2: 1-15.
Barras,Amélie (2019). “A Rights-Based Discourse to Contest the Boundaries of State Secularism? The Case of the Headscarf Ban in France and Turkey.” In The European Court of Human Rights and Minority Religions, edited by Effie Fokas and James Richardson, 104-127. London: Routledge.
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Dabby, Dia and Lori G. Beaman (2020). “Diversity in Death: A Case Study of a Muslim Cemetery Project in Quebec.” In Research Handbook on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Law and Religion, edited by Russell Sandberg, Norman Doe, Bronach Kane, and Caroline Roberts. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Ezzy, Douglas and Bronwyn Fielder (2020). “Ritual and liminality: Bisexuality within Christianity and Paganism.” In Bisexuality, Religion and Spirituality Critical Perspectives, edited by Andrew Kam-Tuck Yip and Alex Toft. London: Routledge.
Lefebvre, Solange and Lori G. Beaman (2020). “Criticism of Religion in Public Commissions on Cultural and Religious Diversity.” In A Constructive Critique of Religion:Encounters between Christianity, Islam, and Non-religion in Secular Societies, edited by Mia Lövheim and Mikael Stenmark. London: Bloomsbury.
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