Beaman, Lori G., and Timothy Stacey. 2021. Nonreligious Imaginaries of World Repairing. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Beaman, Lori G. 2020. The Transition of Religion to Culture in Law and Public Discourse. London: Routledge.
Beaman, Lori G., and Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham. 2020.“Creating an Inclusive Public Sphere: Healthcare and the Role of Prayer,” with S. Reimer-Kirkham, Prayer as Transgression? The Social Relations of Prayer in Healthcare Settings, edited by S. Reimer-Kirkham and S. Sharma, Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Beaman, Lori G., and Solange Lefebvre. 2020. “Criticism of Religion in Public Commissions on Cultural and Religious Diversity.” In A Constructive Critique of Religion. Encounters between Christianity, Islam, and Non-religion in Secular Societies, edited by Mia Lövheim and Mikael Stenmark. London: Bloomsbury.
Beaman, Lori G., and Dia Dabby. 2020. “Diversity in Death: A Case Study of a Muslim Cemetery Project in Quebec,” In Research Handbook on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Law and Religion, edited by Russell Sandberg, Norman Doe, Bronach Kane and Caroline Roberts. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Beaman, Lori G., Jennifer A. Selby and Amélie Barras. 2020. « L’angle mort de la « laïcité ouverte » : Les processus de navigation et négociations dans le vécu religieux au Canada. » Social Compass, 67(1).
Beaman, Lori G., Douglas Ezzy, Gary Bouma, Greg Barton, Anna Halafoff, Rebecca Banham, and Robert Jackson. 2020. “Religious Diversity in Australia: Rethinking Social Cohesion.” Religions special issue: “Religion in Australian Public Life: Resurgence, Insurgence, Cooption?”, edited by Marion Maddox, 11(2).
Beaman, Lori G., and Sana Patel. 2020. “Multiculturalism.” In The SAGE Encylopedia of Sociology of Religion, edited by Adam Possamai and Anthony Joseph Blasi. London: Sage.
Beaman, Lori G., and Ted Malcolmson. 2020. “Religion and Law.” In The SAGE Encylopedia of Sociology of Religion, edited by Adam Possamai and Anthony Joseph Blasi. London: Sage.
Beyer, Peter, and Lori G. Beaman. 2019. “Dimensions of Diversity: Toward a more Complex Conceptualization.” Religions 10 (10): 559-574.
Beaman, Lori G. 2019. “Human Rights and Religion: Case Studies from Canada,” Routledge History of Human Rights, edited by Jean Quataert and Lora Wildenthal, London: Routledge.
Beaman, Lori G., and Cory Steele. 2018. “Transcendence/Religion to Immanence/Nonreligion in Assisted Dying.” International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare 11 (2): 129-143.
Beaman, Lori G., Cory Steele, and Keelin Pringnitz. 2018. “The Inclusion of Nonreligion in Religion and Human Rights.” Social Compass 65 (1): 43-61.
Selby, Jennifer A., Amélie Barras, and Lori G. Beaman. 2018. Beyond Accommodation: Everyday Narratives of Muslim Canadians. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.
Selby, Jennifer A., Amélie Barras, and Lori G. Beaman. 2018. « Le Terroriste, l’Homme éclairé et le Patriarche: Les figures qui hantent le quotidien des musulmanes. » Anthropologie et Sociétés 42 (1): 155-182.
Beaman, Lori G. 2018. “Religious Diversity in the Public Sphere: The Canadian Case.” Religions 8 (12): 1-18.
Beaman, Lori G. 2017. Deep Equality in an Era of Religious Diversity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Beaman, Lori G. 2017. “Living Well Together in a (non)Religious Future: Contributions from the Sociology of Religion.” Sociology of Religion 78 (1): 9-32.
Grigore Dovlete, Monica, and Lori G. Beaman. 2017. “Ghostly Presence: An Abandoned Space and Three Religious Communities in Parishville, Quebec.” Eurostudia 12 (1): 82-104.
Beaman, Lori G. 2017. “Recognize the New Religious Diversity.” Canadian Diversity 14 (4): 17-19.
Beaman, Lori G. 2016. “Living Together v. Living Well Together: A Normative Examination of the SAS Case.” Social Inclusion 4 (2): 3-13.
Beaman, Lori G. 2016. “Universal and Foundational: Law’s Constitution of an Ethic of Belonging for Nones.” In Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion: Sociology of Atheism, edited by Roberto Cipriani and Franco Garelli, 17-35. Leiden: Brill.
Sikka, Sonia, Bindu Puri, and Lori G. Beaman, eds. 2016. Living with Religious Diversity. New Delhi: Routledge.
Lefebvre, Solange, and Lori G. Beaman, eds. 2014. Religion in the Public Sphere: Canadian Case Studies. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Douglas Ezzy
Ezzy, Douglas. 2020. “Religious Diversity in Australia: Rethinking Social Cohesion”, with Lori G. Beaman, Gary Bouma, Greg Barton, Anna Halafoff, Rebecca Banham, and Robert Jackson, Religions special issue: “Religion in Australian Public Life: Resurgence, Insurgence, Cooption?”, edited by Marion Maddox. 11(2).
Prehn, Jacob, and Douglas Ezzy. 2020. “Decolonising the health and well-being of Aboriginal men in Australia.” Journal of Sociology, 56 (2).
Ezzy, Douglas and Bronwyn Fielder. 2020. “Ritual and liminality: Bisexuality within Christianity and Paganism.” In Bisexuality, Religion and Spirituality Critical Perspectives, edited by Andrew Kam-Tuck Yip and Alex Toft. London: Routledge.
Richardson-Self, Louise and Bronwyn Fielder and Douglas Ezzy. 2020. “The aftermath of marriage equality in Australia: Religious freedom and LGBTQ+ non-discrimination.” In Same-Sex Relationships, Law and Social Change, edited by Frances Hamilton and Guido Noto La Diega. London: Routledge.
Travers, Max and Douglas Ezzy. 2019. “Interpretive issues in research: law and religion.” In Research Handbook on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Law and Religion, edited by Russell Sandberg, Norman Doe, Bronach Kane and Caroline Roberts. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Fielder, Bronwyn, and Douglas Ezzy. 2018. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Christians: Queer Christians, Authentic Selves. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Collins, James, Helen Collins, and Douglas Ezzy. 2016. Reinventing Church: Stories of Hope from Four Anglican Parishes. Melbourne: Morning Star Publishing.
Ezzy, Douglas. 2014. Sex, Death and Witchcraft: A Contemporary Pagan Festival. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Berger, Helen A., and Douglas Ezzy. 2007. Teenage Witches: Magical Youth and the Search for the Self. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.
Ezzy, Douglas. 2002. Qualitative Analysis: Practice and Information. New York: Routledge.
Inger Furseth
Furseth, Inger. 2020. “Den norske kirke for «nordmenn?» Et sosiologisk blikk på immigranter og kirke” (Church of Norway for “Norwegians”? A sociological perspective on immigrants and church). Kirke og kultur (3): 280-290.
Furseth, Inger. 2020. “Narrative Analysis.” In The SAGE Encyclopedia of the Sociology of Religion, Vol. 2, edited by Adam Possamai and Anthony J. Blasi. London: Sage.
Furseth, Inger. 2020. “Social Theory.” In The SAGE Encyclopedia of the Sociology of Religion, Vol. 2, edited by Adam Possamai and Anthony J. Blasi. London: Sage.
Furseth, Inger, Lene Kühle, Knut Lundby, and Mia Lövheim. 2019. “Religious Complexity in Nordic Public Spheres.” Nordic Journal of Religion and Society32 (1): 71-90.
Furseth, Inger. 2020. “From Theories of Secularization and Return of Religion to Religious Complexity.” In Political Religion, Everyday Religion: Sociological Trends, edited by Pål Repstad. Leiden: Brill.
Furseth, Inger, ed. 2018. Religious Complexity in the Public Sphere. Comparing Nordic Countries. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Furseth, Inger. 2018. “Prolonger l’ancienne route: la gestion de la diversité religieuse dans les Étasts-providencescandinaves. Translated by Guillaume St-Laurent. In Dix ans plus tard: La commission Bouchard-Taylor, succès ou échec?, edited by Solange Lefebvre and Guillaume St-Laurant, 221-233. Montréal: Québec Amérique.
Breistein, Ingunn Folkestad, and Inger Furseth. 2017. “A coherent public Policy on Religion in Norway? An Analysis of the 2013 Report ‘A Society open to Religious and Worldview Diversity’.” In Public Commissions on Cultural and Religious Diversity: Analysis, Reception and Challenges, edited by Solange Lefebvre and Patrice Brodeur, 217-239. London: Routledge.
Vilaça, Helena, Enzo Pace, Inger Furseth, and Per Pettersson, eds. 2014. The Changing Soul of Europe. Religions and Migrations in Northern and Southern Europe. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Furseth, Inger. 2011. “The hijab: Boundary work and identity negotiations among immigrant Muslim women in the Los Angeles area.” Review of Religious Research 54 (2): 365-385.
Kühle, Lene, and Inger Furseth. 2011. “Prison Chaplaincy from a Scandinavian Perspective.” Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions 56: 123-141.
Furseth, Inger. 2009. “Atheism, Secularity and Gender.” In Atheism and Secularity, edited by Phil Zuckerman, 343-369. Santa Barbara: Praeger.
Furseth, Inger, and Pål Repstad. 2006. Introduction to the Sociology of Religion:Classical and Contemporary Perspectives. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Furseth, Inger. 2005. From Quest for Truth to Being Oneself: Religious Change in Life Stories. Hamburg: Peter Lang.
Juan Marco Vaggione
Vaggione, Juan Marco, and Maria Machado. 2020. “Religious Patterns of Neoconservatism in Latin America.” Politics & Gender, 16(1).
Vaggione, Juan Marco. 2020. “The conservative uses of law: The Catholic mobilization against gender ideology.” Social Compass. 67(2).
Monte, Maria, and Juan Marco Vaggione. 2019. “Cortes irrumpidas. La judicialización conservadora del aborto en Argentina.” Rupturas, 9(1).
Vaggione, Juan Marco. 2017. “Francis and ‘Gender Ideology’: Heritage, Displacement and Continuities.” Religion and Gender 6 (2): 302-307.
Bergallo, Paola, Isabel Cristina Jaramillo Sierra, and Juan Marco Vaggione, eds. 2017. El aborto en América Latina: Estrategias jurídicas para luchar por su legalización y enfrentar las resistencias conservadoras. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI Editores.
Vaggione, Juan Marco, and José Manuel Morán Faúndes, eds. 2016. Laicidad and Religious Diversity in Latin America. Cham: Springer.
Vaggione, Juan Marco. 2015. “The Catholic Church, Contemporary Sexual Politics and Development in Latin America.” In The Handbook of Religions and Global Development, edited by Emma Tomalin, 167-179. London: Routledge.
Linda Woodhead
Woodhead, Linda, Jayeel Cornelio, Francois Gauthier, Tuomas Martiknainen. 2021. The Routledge Handbook of Religion in Global Societies. London and New York: Routledge.
Woodhead, Linda, Roberta Katz, Sarah Ogilvie, Jane Shaw. 2021. Gen Z, Explained: The Art of Living in a Digital Age. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Woodhead, Linda. 2020. “Apocalyptic, World-Repair, Divination: persistent modes of future-knowing”, in Sandra Kemp and Jenny Andersson (eds), Futures. Oxford University Press.
Woodhead, Linda. 2018. “Religion and Brexit: Populism and the Church of England.” Religion, State and Society 46 (3): 206-223.
Woodhead, Linda, 2017. “‘The Rise of ‘No Religion’: Towards an Explanation.” Sociology of Religion 78 (3): 247-262.
Brown, Andrew, and Linda Woodhead. 2016. That Was the Church That Was: How the Church of England Lost the English People. London: Bloomsbury.
Woodhead, Linda. 2016. “‘The Rise of ‘No Religion’ in Britain: the emergence of a new cultural majority.” Journal of the British Academy 4: 245–261.
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Woodhead, Linda. 2014. Christianity: A Very Short Introduction (2nd revised edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Dessing, Nathal M., Nadia Jeldtoft, Jørgen S. Nielsen, and Linda Woodhead, eds. 2013. Everyday Lived Islam in Europe. London: Routledge.
Woodhead, Linda, and Rebecca Catto, eds. 2012. Religion and Change in Modern Britain. Oxon: Routledge.
Riis, Ole, and Linda Woodhead. 2010. A Sociology of Religious Emotions. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Woodhead, Linda, Paul Fletcher, Hiroko Kawanami, and David Smith. 2009. Religions in the Modern World. London: Routledge.
Heelas, Paul, and Linda Woodhead. 2005. The Spiritual Revolution: Why Religion is Giving Way to Spirituality. Malden: Blackwell Publishing.
Paula Montero
Montero, Paula. 2020. “The Formation of the Nation-State, Religious Pluralism, and the Public Sphere in Brazil.” In Religion and Society in the 21st Century, edited by Joachim Küper, Klaus W. Hempfer and Erika Fischer-Lichte. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Montero, Paula. 2020. “Religious Pluralism and its impacts in Brazilian Secularism.” Secular Studies, n. 02.
Montero, Paula. 2020. “Syncretism and Pluralism in the Configuration of Religious Diversity in Brazil.” in Scarato, L; Baldrais, F.; Manzi, M. ( eds.), Convivial Constellations in Latin America. From Colonial to Contemporary Times. London: Routledge.
Montero, Paula. 2019. “Religião e laicidade: duas categorias em construção” – REVER, Revista de Estudos da Religião, Pontificia Universidade Católica /SP e Universidade Católica Portuguesa, vol 19 (3), pp. 349-366.
Montero, Paula. 2018. “Syncretism and Pluralism in the Configuration of Religious Diversity in Brazil,” Mecila: Working Papers Series 4: 1-16.
Montero, Paula, and Rafael Quintanilha. 2017. “Atheism in Brazil.” In Encyclopedia of Latin American Religions, edited by Henri Gooren, 75-81. Cham: Springer.
Montero, Paula. 2017. “The ‘Culture of Justification’ in the Production of Public Religiosities in Brazil.” In Secularisms in a Postsecular age? Religiosities and Subjectivities in Comparative Perspective, edited by José Mapril, Ruy Blanes, Eemerson Giumbelli, and Erin. K. Wilson, 207-229. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
Montero, Paula. 2016. “Secularism and Religion in the Public Sphere in Contemporary Brazil.” In Handbook of Contemporary Religions in Brazil, edited by Bettina. E. Schmidt, and Steven Engler, 379-394. Leiden: Brill.
Peter Beyer
Beyer, Peter. 2020. “Religion in Interesting Times: Contesting Form, Function, and Future,” Sociology of Religion 81 (1). (From 2019 Paul Hanly Furfey Lecture)
Beyer, Peter. 2020. “The Historical Co-Construction of Religion and Modernity: Causality, Correlation, Contingency,” in Detlef Pollack and Matthias Pohlig, eds., Die Verwandlung des Heiligen: Die Geburt der Moderne aus dem Geist der Religion. Berlin: Berlin University Press.
Beyer, Peter. 2020. “Global Migration, Religious Diversity, and Dialogue: Toward a Post-Westphalian Circumstance,” in Anna Körs, Wolfram Weisse, and Jean-Paul Willaime, eds., Religious Diversity and Interreligious Dialogue. Berlin: Springer.
Beyer, Peter, Alyshea Cummins, and Scott Craig. 2019. “Religious/Spiritual Identity among Younger Adults in Canada: A Complex Portrait.” In Young People and the Diversity of (Non)Religious Identities in International Perspective, edited by Elisabeth Arweck and Heather Shipley, 15-32. Cham: Springer.
Beyer, Peter. 2019. “Nonreligion in Canada: Measuring a Positive Absence,” Conference on Non-Religion and Secularity in Canada, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON.
Beyer, Peter. 2018. “Modern Subjectivities and Religions in a Post-Westphalian World Society: Reconstructing the Universal through Lived Particularities.” In Modern Subjectivities in World Society: Global Structures and Local Practices, edited by Dietrich Jung and Stephan Stetter, 149-167. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
Beyer, Peter. 2016. “Sensing Religion, Observing Religion, Reconstructing Religion: Contingency and Pluralization in Post-Westphalian Context.” Social Compass 63 (2): 234-250.
Beyer, Peter. 2015. “From Atheist to Spiritual But Not Religious: A Punctuated Continuum of Identities Among the Second Generation of Post-1970 Immigrants in Canada.” In Atheist Identities: Spaces and Social Contexts, edited by Lori G. Beaman and Steven Tomlins, 137-151. Cham: Springer.
Beyer, Peter. 2014. “Multiculturalism and Religious Pluralism in Canada: Intimations of a ‘Post-Westphalian’ Condition.” In Multiculturalism and Religious Identity: Canada and India, edited by Sonia Sikka and Lori G. Beaman, 33-54. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Beyer, Peter. 2013. Religion in the Context of Globalization: Essays on Concept, Form, and Political Implication. London: Routledge.
Beyer, Peter, and Rubina Ramji, eds. 2013. Growing Up Canadian: Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists. Montreal & Kingston: McGill Queen’s University Press.
Ryan Cragun
Schaffner, Caleb, and Ryan T. Cragun. 2020. “Non-Religion and Atheism.” in Handbook of Leaving Religion, edited by D. Enstedt, G. Larsson, and T. T. Mantsinen, Leiden: Brill.
Cragun, Ryan T. 2020. “Apostasy.” In The SAGE Encyclopedia of Sociology of Religion, edited by A. Possamai and A. J. Blasi. London: Sage.
Speed, David, Caitlin Barry, and Ryan T. Cragun. 2020. “With a Little Help from My (Canadian) Friends: Health Differences between Minimal and Maximal Religiosity/Spirituality Are Partially Mediated by Social Support.” Social Science & Medicine 265:1–9
Schaffner, Caleb, and Ryan T. Cragun. 2020. “Non-Religion and Atheism.” Pp. 242–52 in Handbook of Leaving Religion, edited by D. Enstedt, G. Larsson, and T. T. Mantsinen. Leiden: Brill.
Cragun, Ryan T. 2020. “Summing Up: Problems and Prospects for a Global Church in the 21st Century.” Pp. 817–49 in The Palgrave Handbook of Global Mormonism, edited by G. Shepherd, Gary Shepherd, and R. T. Cragun. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
Smith, Jesse M., and Ryan T. Cragun. 2019. “Mapping Religion’s Other: A Review of the Study of Nonreligion and Secularity.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 58 (2).
Hammer, Joseph H., and Ryan T. Cragun. 2019. “Daily Spiritual Experiences and Well-Being among the Nonreligious, Spiritual, and Religious: A Bifactor Analysis.” Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 11(4).
Cragun, Ryan T. 2019. “Questions You Should Never Ask an Atheist: Towards Better Measures of Nonreligion and Secularity.” Secularism and Nonreligion 8(6).
Cragun, Ryan T., Alexandra Rodriguez, and Marcus Hayes. 2019. “Have you got anything without theism?: Perceptions of Atheists and Agnostics”, in Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, St. Louis, MO.
Speed, David, and Ryan T. Cragun. 2019. “Blessed Are the Cheesemakers: Religion vs. Nonreligion in the Canadian Community Health Survey”, Nonreligion and Secularity in Canada Workshop, Waterloo, Canada.
Puga-Gonzalez, Ivan, Wesley J. Wildman, Kevin McCaffree, Ryan T. Cragun, and Leron F. Shults. 2019. “InCREDulity in Artificial Societies”, Social Simulation Conference, Mainz, Germany.
Pasca, Christina, Cragun, Ryan T., and Phillips, Rick. 2019. “I, For One, Welcome Our New Robot Overlords: Religion and Attitudes Toward New Technologies”, Pacific Sociological Association’s 90th Annual Meeting, Oakland, CA.
Cragun, Ryan T., Joseph H. Hammer, Michael Nielsen, and Nicholas Autz. 2018. “Religious/Secular Distance: How Far Apart Are Teenagers and Their Parents?” Psychology of Religion and Spirituality 10 (3): 288–95.
Cragun, Ryan T., Christel J. Manning, and Lori L. Fazzino, eds. 2017. Organized Secularism in the United States. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Cragun, Ryan T., and Jason Sumerau. 2017. “No One Expects a Transgender Jew: Religious, Sexual and Gendered Intersections in the Evaluation of Religious and Nonreligious Others.” Secularism and Nonreligion 6: 1–16.
Cragun, Deborah, Ryan T. Cragun, Brian Nathan, J. E. Sumerau, and Alexandra C. H. Nowakowski. 2016. “Do Religiosity and Spirituality Really Matter for Social, Mental, and Physical Health?: A Tale of Two Samples.” Sociological Spectrum 36 (6): 359–377.
Sumerau, J. E., and Ryan T. Cragun. 2016. “‘I Think Some People Need Religion’: The Social Construction of Nonreligious Moral Identities.” Sociology of Religion 77 (4): 386–407.
Cragun, Ryan T., Joseph H. Hammer, and Michael Nielsen. 2015. “The Nonreligious-Nonspiritual Scale (NRNSS): Measuring Everyone from Atheists to Zionists.” Science, Religion, and Culture 2 (3): 36–53.
Langston, Joseph A., Joseph H. Hammer, and Ryan T. Cragun. 2015. “Atheism Looking In: On the Goals and Strategies of Organized Nonbelief.” Science, Religion, and Culture 2 (3): 70–85.
Stinespring, John, and Ryan T. Cragun. 2015. “Simple Markov Model for Estimating the Growth of Nonreligion in the United States.” Science, Religion, and Culture 2 (3): 96–103.
Cragun, Ryan T., Barry A. Kosmin, Ariela Keysar, Joseph H. Hammer, and Michael E. Nielsen. 2012. “On the Receiving End: Discrimination Toward the Non-Religious.” Journal of Contemporary Religion 27 (1):105–127.
Hammer, Joseph H., Ryan T. Cragun, Karen Hwang, and Jesse Smith. 2012. “Forms, Frequency, and Correlates of Perceived Anti-Atheist Discrimination.” Secularism and Nonreligion 1: 43–67.
Solange Lefebvre
Lefebvre, Solange, and Lori G. Beaman. 2020. “Criticism of Religion in Public Commissions on Cultural and Religious Diversity.” In A Constructive Critique of Religion. Encounters between Christianity, Islam, and Non-religion in Secular Societies, edited by Mia Lövheim and Mikael Stenmark, 112-123. London: Bloomsbury.
Lefebvre, Solange. 2020. “Space, Religious Diversity, and Negotiation Processes.” Social Inclusion. Religious Minorities and Struggle for Recognition, Vol. 8/3.
Lefebvre, Solange. 2019. « Sommes-nous face à une crise de la raison? » Dans Dieu, la raison et l’épée. Perspectives œcuméniques sur le Discours de Ratisbonne. Gabriele Palaciano (dir.) Paris: L’Harmattan.
Public Commissions on Cultural and Religious Diversity: Analysis, Reception and Challenges, edited by Solange Lefebvre and Patrice Brodeur. London: Routledge.
Lefebvre, Solange, and Lori G. Beaman, eds. 2014. Religion in the Public Sphere: Canadian Case Studies. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Amélie Barras
Barras, Amélie, Jennifer A. Selby, and Lori G. Beaman. 2018. “Rethinking Canadian Discourses of ‘Reasonable Accommodation’.” Social Inclusion 6 (2): 162-172.
Dabby, Dia, and Amélie Barras. 2018. “Bent Out of Shape: Fictions of Yoga and Religion before the Courts.” Religion & Human Rights 13 (3): 270-296.
Selby, Jennifer A., Amélie Barras, and Lori G. Beaman. 2018. Beyond Accommodation: Everyday Narratives of Muslim Canadians. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.
Selby, Jennifer A., Amélie Barras, and Lori G. Beaman. 2018. « Le Terroriste, l’Homme éclairé et le Patriarche: Les figures qui hantent le quotidien des musulmanes. » Anthropologie et Sociétés 42 (1): 155-182.
Barras, Amélie. 2018. “Reasonable Accommodation.” In Exploring Religion and Diversity in Canada: People, Practice and Possibility, edited by Catherine Holtmann, 183-205. Cham: Springer.
Barras, Amélie. 2018. “Travelogue of secularism: Longing to find a place to call home.” European Journal of Women’s Studies 2018: 1-16.
Barras, Amélie. 2017. “France citizenship in the aftermath of 2015: Officializing a two-tier system?” Citizenship Studies 21 (8): 918-936.
Barras, Amélie. 2017. “French Laïcité.” In The Oxford Handbook of Secularism, edited by Phil Zuckerman and John R. Shook, 142-154. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Barras, Amélie. 2016. “Exploring the intricacies and dissonances of religious governance: The case of Quebec and the discourse of request.” Critical Research on Religion 4 (1): 57-71.
Barras, Amélie, François Dermange, and Sarah Nicolet, eds. 2016. Réguler le Religieux dans les Sociétés Libérales?Geneva: Labor et Fides.
Barras, Amélie, and Sarah Nicolet. 2016. “Introduction: Réguler le religieux dans les sociétés libérales ?” In Réguler le Religieux dans les Sociétés Libérales?, edited by Amélie Barras, Francois Dermange, and Sarah Nicolet, 9-19. Geneva: Labor et Fides.
Barras, Amélie, Jennifer A. Selby, and Lori G. Beaman. 2016. “In/Visible Religion in Public Institutions: Canadian Muslim Public Servants.” In Religion and the Exercise of Public Authority, edited by Benjamin L. Berger and Richard Moon, 95-110. Portland: Hart Publishing.
Barras, Amélie. 2014. Refashioning Secularisms in France and Turkey: The Case of the Headscarf Ban. London: Routledge.
Bessma Momani
Momani, B. & Johnstone, R. 2020. “Gender mainstreaming in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and the Department of National Defence (DND): Lessons on the implementation of Gender Based Analysis Plus (GBA+)” Armed Forces and Society.
Finn, M., and Momani, B. 2019. “Transnational Citizenship Mobilization among Canadian Arab Youth: An Engaged Social Movement for Change in the Middle East.” Canadian Ethnic Studies.
Momani, B. & Johnstone, R. 2019. “Organizational change in Canadian public institutions: The implementations of GBA+ in DND/CAF.” Canadian Public Administration.
Momani, B., E. Dreher and K. Williams. “More Than a Pipeline Problem: Evaluating the Gender Pay Gap in Canadian Academia from 1997 to 2016.” Canadian Journal of Higher Education.
Finn, Momani, and Hennebry. 2018. “Canadian Arab Youth at the Border: Cultural Dissociation, Fear Management, and Disciplining Practices in Securitised Spaces.” Journal of International Migration and Integration.
Finn, Opatowski, and Momani. 2018. “Transnational Citizenship Capacity-Building: Moving the Conversation in New Directions.” International Political Sociology.
Momani, Hennebry and Finn. 2018. “Canadian Arab Youth at the Border: Cultural Dissociation, Fear Management, and Disciplining Practices in Securitised Spaces.” Journal of International Migration and Integration (JIMI).
Momani, B. 2018. Synthesizing Knowledge on Rising Global Populism. SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Report.
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Jennifer Selby
Selby, Jennifer A. 2019. “Required Romance: On Secular Sensibilities in Recent French Marriage and Immigration Regulations.” In Secular Bodies, Affects, and Emotions: European Configurations, edited by Nadia Fadil, Birgitte Schepelern Johansen, and Monique Scheer, 157-169. London: Bloomsbury.
Selby, Jennifer A., Amélie Barras, and Lori G. Beaman. 2018. Beyond Accommodation: Everyday Narratives of Muslim Canadians. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press
Barras, Amélie, Jennifer A. Selby, and Lori G. Beaman. 2018. “Rethinking Canadian Discourses of Reasonable Accommodation” Social Inclusion 6 (2): 162-172.
Selby, Jennifer A. 2018. “Secularism in the Ontario Sharia Debate.” In The Shari’a: History, Ethics and Law, edited by Amyn Sajoo, 215-230. London: I.B. Tauris.
Gustafson, Diana L., and Jennifer A. Selby. 2016. “Theorizing de-Christianization in Women’s Reproductive Lives in Newfoundland and Labrador.” Women’s Studies International Forum 59: (November-December) 17-25.
Beaman, Lori G., Jennifer A. Selby, and Amélie Barras. 2016. “No Mosque, No Refugees: Some Reflections on Syrian Refugees and the Construction of Religion in Canada.” In The Refugee Crisis and Religion: Secularism, Security and Hospitality in Question, edited by Luca Mavelli and Erin Wilson, 77-96. London: Rowman and Littlefield.
Selby, Jennifer A. 2014. “Un/veiling Women’s Bodies: Secularism and Sexuality in Full-face Veil Prohibitions in France and Quebec.” Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses 43: 3 (September): 439-466.
Selby, Jennifer A. 2012. Questioning French Secularism: Gender Politics and Islam in a Parisian Surburb. New York: Palgrave Macmillan
Korteweg, Anna, and Jennifer A. Selby, eds. 2012. Debating Sharia: Islam, Gender Politics and Family Law Arbitration. Toronto: University of Toronto Press
Joel Thiessen
McAlpine, Bill, Joel Thiessen, Keith Walker, and Arch Wong. 2021. Signs of Life: Catholic, Mainline, and Conservative Protestant Congregations in Canada. Toronto: Tyndale Academic Publishing.
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Mia Lövheim
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Paul Bramadat
Bramadat, Paul, Mar Griera, Julia Martínez-Ariño, Marian Burchardt. 2021. Urban Religious Events: Public Spirituality in Contested Spaces. London: Bloomsbury.
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Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme
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Meunier, E.-Martin, Jean-Philippe Perreault and Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme. Forthcoming (2021). “Mieux comprendre l’énigme du catholicisme québécois. Quelle problématisation et quelle méthode ?” Book chapter for Mémoires catholiques au Québec. Dits et non-dits. Edited by Géraldine Mossière. Montréal: Presses de l’Université de Montréal.
Thiessen, Joel and Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme. Forthcoming (2021). “Nice, Tolerant, Indifferent Canadians: Religious Nones North of the 49th.” Book chapter for The Basics: Secularism and Atheism. Edited by Ryan T. Cragun and Jesse M. Smith. Bloomsbury Academic.
Thiessen, Joel, and Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme. 2020. None of the Above: Nonreligious Identity in the U.S. and Canada. New York:New York University Press.
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Wilkins-Laflamme, Sarah. 2019. Religion, Non-Belief, Spirituality and Social Behaviour among North American Millennials. Available for free access at:
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Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham
Reimer-Kirkham, S., Sharma, S., Brown, R., and Calestani, M., with Beardsley, C., Beaman, L., Bramadat, P., Collins-Mayo, S., Corcoran Smith, B., Quinn, B., and Todd, A. Prayer as Transgression? The Social Relations of Prayer in Healthcare Settings. Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press.
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James Beckford
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Mary Jo Neitz
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Gary Bouma
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