Meet the Author – Christel Manning

Meet the Author – Christel Manning

    Date: October 18, 2022
    Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
    Location: Virtual - Zoom

    Meet the Author – Christel Manning

    In this instalment of our Meet the Author series, Christel Manning discusses her recent chapter, “Meaning Making Narratives among Non-Religious Individuals Facing the End of Life,” in New Dimensions in Spirituality, Religion, and Aging (Routledge).

    Christel Manning, PhD, Professor of Religious Studies at Sacred Heart University, has spent more than a decade studying people who leave religion. Her book, Losing Our Religion, was rated one of the top ten religion titles of 2015 and received the 2016 Distinguished Book Award from the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion. She has published numerous articles about the so-called “Nones” in both scholarly and popular journals and has lectured widely on the topic. Manning’s current research, supported by a grant from the John Templeton Foundation, examines how non-religious individuals find meaning as they approach the end of life. She lives in New Haven, CT.