On March 26th – 27th 2020, we held a virtual workshop with our partner organization, Pew Research Center. The workshop was designed to allow NCF team members to draw on the center’s expertise in quantitative international studies, in order to better understand the strategies, advantages and limitations involved in these studies as we launch our international research projects.
Pew experts Conrad Hackett, Neha Sahgal, Greg Smith, and Alan Cooperman joined the workshop to share their expertise and answer questions from 16 NCF Co-Investigators, Collaborators, Postdocs, Partners and Students. View the agenda for the workshop here. We discussed Pew’s approach to the operationalization of religion and nonreligion in their surveys, the difficulty of measuring nonreligion due to factors such as the tendency to view religion as default or to default to atheism when talking about nonreligion, and possible over-representation of religion in surveys as the religious are more likely to participate in surveys than those indifferent to religion or nonreligion.